From Logic to Nihilism Publecture


Are you ready to plunge headfirst into the profound mysteries of existence with the brilliant logician Dr. Catharine Diehl? 🤩 Brace yourself for a transformative experience at the upcoming Pub Lecture ‘From Logic to Nihilism’, where our professor Dr. Diehl will lead us all on an exhilarating journey of knowledge and discovery through the labyrinth […]

Activities Pubquiz

Café de Vergulde Kruik Haarlemmerstraat 22, Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

Yes, it is here! Another great activity is on the agenda!✨ This time it’s a quiz game. But not just a quiz game… No, it’s a quiz game surrounded by some delicious BOOZE!🍺 Aye!🍻 A pubquiz we call it, lads! ✨ Are you in for some laughter? 🤭 For some drinks? 🍹 And are you […]

Skillshare Event


Dear gentle philosopher students, we summon you all BA, MA and PhDs to come together to share your philosophical skills with each other ✨ Whether you are beginning or advancing in your studies, we believe that you have one or two tips and tricks to share 😊 Come and bring a method or an advice […]

K-culture Pub Lecture

Café de Vergulde Kruik Haarlemmerstraat 22, Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

Dear philosophy lovers, and wisdom lovers at large, you are warmly invited to our pub lecture on December 10th by none other than our beloved professor Dr. Dobin Choi!❤ Dr. D. Choi will divulge into his own Korean background, his interest in Korean Pop culture, as well as his research paper titled “Understanding the Global […]

Movie Night Activities Event


The activities committee is proud to present a movie night! This Wednesday December 11th we’ll be watching 🎄How The Grinch Stole Christmas🎄in Lipsius 2.01. Hope to see you all this Wednesday from 19:30-22:00‼️ Snacks 🍿 and drinks 🥤 will be provided and don’t forget to wear your best Christmas themed outfit🥰

La Fedeltà Premiata (Joseph Haydn)

Leidse Schouwburg Oude Vest 43, Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

Happy New Year! 🥳 We are looking forward to start this year by going to the opera together 🎭 On January 21st starting at 20:15 we will see “La Fedeltà Premiata” by Joseph Haydn 🎼 A lot of you have already signed-up, but there are still some tickets left Thanks to the wonderful support of […]

Opera After Talk


What does it mean for opera performances written centuries ago to be presented to an contemporary audience? How is it tied to the way we consume music, especially opera music? And how does opera as art work with the idea of the artistic stereotype? 🎭💭 We are thrilled to shed some light on these questions […]

Monthly Drinks

Café de Vergulde Kruik Haarlemmerstraat 22, Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

✨WE’RE BAAAACK!!✨ We hope your exams went well and that you had a good and well deserved break! 😌 This Tuesday the 4th of February we will have our Monthly Drinks at the trusted Vergulde Kruik at the regular time of 8 PM. We hope to see you all and catch up with you for […]

‘The World of Sophie’ Movie Night – Discussion

Cinema Room, UB Witte Singel 27, Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

Dear Philosophy and Film-Literature Students, You’re Invited to a Special Movie & Discussion Night! “The World of Sophie” – A beautiful journey through the world of philosophy, brought to life on the big screen. Snacks will be waiting for you as we dive into this thought-provoking film, followed by a short analysis and discussion. When: […]

‘From Logic to Nihilism’ Pub Lecture

Café de Vergulde Kruik Haarlemmerstraat 22, Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

Dr. Catharine Diehl will give a pub-lecture with topic ‘From Logic to Nihilism’ on February 20th, 18:00-21:00, at Café De Vergulde Kruik. In this talk, Dr. Diehl will discuss a view in metaphysics called ontological nihilism. Both common sense and most metaphysical theories hold that the world contains objects of all sorts—from microphysical particles through tables […]

Pool Night Activities Event

Poolcafé Het Levendaal Levendaal 152, Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

Greetings friends! This time the Activities Committee presents to you: ‼️🎱A Pool Night🎱‼️ 🗣️Not a swimming pool🤿, but a billiard pool🗯️, just to be clear🫧 … I mean if you really want to you could arrive in swimwear, but I wouldn’t recommend that. 👏 The pool night will take place on Monday the 24th of […]

Humanities Offline Living Room: Unwind and Connect

Huizinga Living Room Johan Huizinga Doelensteeg 16, Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

Take a break and join us at the Humanities Offline Living Room! It’s the perfect space to switch off your phone, grab a drink, enjoy some snacks, and play games while chatting with fellow students. Looking for something to read? We’ve got materials from subjects like Art History, Philosophy, French, Classical Languages, and Film & […]