From Logic to Nihilism Publecture


Are you ready to plunge headfirst into the profound mysteries of existence with the brilliant logician Dr. Catharine Diehl? 🤩 Brace yourself for a transformative experience at the upcoming Pub […]

Activities Pubquiz

Café de Vergulde Kruik Haarlemmerstraat 22, Leiden, Netherlands

Yes, it is here! Another great activity is on the agenda!✨ This time it’s a quiz game. But not just a quiz game… No, it’s a quiz game surrounded by […]

Skillshare Event


Dear gentle philosopher students, we summon you all BA, MA and PhDs to come together to share your philosophical skills with each other ✨ Whether you are beginning or advancing […]

K-culture Pub Lecture

Café de Vergulde Kruik Haarlemmerstraat 22, Leiden, Netherlands

Dear philosophy lovers, and wisdom lovers at large, you are warmly invited to our pub lecture on December 10th by none other than our beloved professor Dr. Dobin Choi!❤ Dr. […]

Movie Night Activities Event


The activities committee is proud to present a movie night! This Wednesday December 11th we’ll be watching 🎄How The Grinch Stole Christmas🎄in Lipsius 2.01. Hope to see you all this […]