Student Panel Discussion: “Finding your Voice in Philosophy”

Café de Keyzer Kaiserstraat 2-4, Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

Are you passionate about philosophy and have you ever wondered how others navigate their philosophical journeys? Join us on the last Tuesday of September for an engaging panel discussion where […]

Transfer GMA

Café de Vergulde Kruik Haarlemmerstraat 22, Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

The previous board of 2023-2024 will reflect on policy. We will also officially vote for the new candidate board members during the first General Members Assembly. You can voice your […]

Monthly Drinks

Café de Vergulde Kruik Haarlemmerstraat 22, Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

Put off your jacket and join us for the monthly drinks! Catch up with friends or meet new people at Symposion’s signature bar venue!

NEXT Neon Rainbow Kickoff Party

NEXT Leiden Langebrug 6-A, Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

The semester is well underway and that means an epic party is long overdue! On the 10th of October from 21:00 we will be celebrating the start of the new […]

Game Night – Halloween Special

Café de Vergulde Kruik Haarlemmerstraat 22, Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

🗣️ Save the date! A game night will take place on October 16th! 🗣️ Are you obsessed with Stiles Stilinski? 🤭 Maybe you listen to Murder Mysteries a lot? 👀 […]

CoBo After Party

NSL Oude Singel 56, Leiden, Netherlands

On September 25th, 2024, the new Symposion board ’24-’25 was officially constituted👨‍⚖. With a chilled glass of wine in hand, we raise a toast to In Vino Frigido Confidimus🍷! And […]

Poster-making against government humanities cuts


Staff and students of philosophy join their forces to prepare for the protest against the cuts on November 14th📢‼️ Join us on for a joint sign-making session on November 7th, […]

Magazine + Monthly Drinks

Café de Vergulde Kruik Haarlemmerstraat 22, Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

📢Good news😍❗ The long-awaited Magazine Launch📰 will finally take place on Monday, November 11th at 8PM in our beloved De Vergulde Kruik🍷! It will also be combined with the Monthly […]

Policy & Budget GMA

Café de Vergulde Kruik Haarlemmerstraat 22, Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

Dear philosophers, On November 20th, Symposion invites all their members to have a drink🍷, eat some snacks🥟 and participate in the Policy and Budget General Members’ Assembly! We will present […]

From Logic to Nihilism Publecture


Are you ready to plunge headfirst into the profound mysteries of existence with the brilliant logician Dr. Catharine Diehl? 🤩 Brace yourself for a transformative experience at the upcoming Pub […]

Activities Pubquiz

Café de Vergulde Kruik Haarlemmerstraat 22, Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

Yes, it is here! Another great activity is on the agenda!✨ This time it’s a quiz game. But not just a quiz game… No, it’s a quiz game surrounded by […]

Skillshare Event


Dear gentle philosopher students, we summon you all BA, MA and PhDs to come together to share your philosophical skills with each other ✨ Whether you are beginning or advancing […]