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Transfer GMA

25th September 2024 at 19:3023:30

The previous board of 2023-2024 will reflect on policy. We will also officially vote for the new candidate board members during the first General Members Assembly. You can voice your opinion and share new thoughts on Symposion’s future here!

The transfer GMA will take place on September 25th at the Vergulde Kruik, our local pub.
PS: we will provide complimentary snacks 😉

Candidate Board Members ’24-’25
Chair: Esmée Koelewijn
Secretary: Francesco Limacher
Treasurer: Cedric Schutter
Assessor Intern: Simone Aronson
Assessor Extern: Hannah van Riel
Assessor Education: Inga Triebel


25th September 2024
19:30 – 23:30


Café de Vergulde Kruik
Haarlemmerstraat 22
Leiden, Zuid Holland 2312 GA Netherlands
+ Google Map